"Naraya" in Higashi-Ikebukuro is a soba restaurant that specializes in 100% soba noodles and carefully crafted duck and fish dishes. Through the Ike-Poster Exhibition, I was in charge of creating the illustration for the poster. After conducting research on the ingredients and menu, I wrote the restaurant's name on two noren (shop curtains) in two languages and two colors that matched the atmosphere of the shop. The noren was installed on-site and photographed to complete the poster.

*Ike-Poster exhibition is an art event where creators collaborate to produce posters based on "shops" and "facilities" in the Ikebukuro area and present them as gifts. In 2021, it was the 7th edition of the Ike-Poster exhibition.

※池ポス展:クリエイターがタッグを組み池袋周辺の「お店」や「施設」を題材にポスターを制作しプレゼントするアートイベント。2021年は池ポス展Vol 7。

This is the process of making the noren. We sewed it from fabric, then I drew the illustration in brown ink and wrote the characters on top with black and white ink after it dried.

Design:高林直俊 (https://www.428graffi.com
Art Director:田中北斗 
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