Jiyu Gakuen Myo-nichi-kan is a registered Important Cultural Property located in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright with the aim of harmonizing Japanese traditional architecture with nature. The building was constructed as the first schoolhouse of Jiyu Gakuen, a school established in 1921 for girls' education, and is currently used for public lectures, weddings, and other events. In 2021, which marked the 100th anniversary of the Tomorrow Hall, I had the opportunity to create a poster through the Ike-Poster exhibition* for them. I sketched the century-old architecture and captured the texture of the building materials, and was responsible for creating a set of poster illustrations. It was a wonderful experience.
*Ike-Poster exhibition is an art event where creators collaborate to produce posters based on "shops" and "facilities" in the Ikebukuro area and present them as gifts. In 2021, it was the 7th edition of the Ike-Poster exhibition.

※池ポス展:クリエイターがタッグを組み池袋周辺の「お店」や「施設」を題材にポスターを制作しプレゼントするアートイベント。2021年は池ポス展Vol 7。

Illustration:蜜子 (阿婆上街買菜(蜜子)(@obaasan_art)| Instagram)
Design/ Art Director:田中北斗