In the assumed branding project, I was responsible for creating a logo and providing suggestions for branding and website design for the genderless fashion rental brand "neutre." "Neutre" means "neutral" or "gender-neutral" in French, and the brand aims to offer clothing and accessories that suit individual personalities without focusing on gender. It provides an easy rental experience through the website.

想定のブランディングプロジェクトで、私はジェンダーレスのファッションレンタルブランド ”neutre” を設定し、ロゴ作成からブランディングやサイトの提案までを担当しました。"neutre"はフランス語で「中性的な」または「性別に関係なく」という意味で、個性に合わせた洋服やアクセサリーを提供し、性別にこだわらないファッションスタイルを提案しています。また、ウェブサイトを通じて簡単にレンタルができます。
This brand values sophistication while incorporating eco-conscious and cost considerations through the fashion rental approach. It represents a revolutionary fashion that is environmentally friendly. Through genderless and simple designs, it symbolizes the expression of individual messages and living life based on one's own axis.

On the website, all products and the latest information are easily accessible. The brand adopts a simple three-step process: "search," "rent," and "return." By selecting the most suitable plan and desired outfits, customers can quickly complete the payment and registration process and have the items delivered promptly. It embodies the pursuit of eco-fashion and convenience in the modern era.

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