This picture book depicts a sensitive and empathetic child named "Utsushi-chan,” who lives as an Highly Sensitive Child and experiences both the joys and struggles of life more intensely than most people. As a result, Utsushi-chan is constantly contemplating how to relate to the world around them. The book is a handmade creation, using risograph printing with different paper types and colors on each page to recreate the vividness of the world as experienced by the protagonist. It is an original picture book about HSP/HSC.

《Utsushi My Dear》complete version, 36 pages, Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator, Risograph, Fine art paper, 202mm*263mm, 2022, Tshuà Puē-Iông.

The complete version of《Utsushi My Dear》was exhibited in two art shows, and these photos were taken at the exhibition venue, capturing the visitors and commemorative moments.

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