According to the electronic version of the 1st edition(Winter) of December 2022, the 2nd edition(Spring) is released as a printed poetry collection with some changes in content and Japanese language that reflect the passing of time and the arrival of spring. It is not really a heavy text as the title might suggest (I think, haha), but rather a seasonal poetry collection that records daily thoughts in the form of 2-3 lines of poetry. These poems are written from my perspective as a Taiwanese living in Japan, and they express my personal feelings and experiences.

《我が愛している台湾》《我所愛著的臺灣》《My beloved Taiwan》
✶16-page illustrated poetry collection in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese used in Taiwan
✶March 2023, 2nd edition, risoprint, limited to 50 handwritten copies.
✶Size: 106mm x 226mm.
✶Price: 12$ per copy (shipping fee not included).
✶✶PLEASE feel free to DM me if you want to buy it!!✶✶

P.S. 1. 「台湾華語」とは、台湾で共通に喋れている言語であり、中国の標準語に近くて大体通じますが、「中国語」ではありません。また、中華圏の国々(香港、シンガポール、マレーシアなど)にはそれぞれ独自の「華語」が使われていることので、この機会に正しい言語名を知っていただけると嬉しいです。
P.S. 2. #孔版印刷 の物なので、判型・色・図文の位置合わせは多少のズレが発生しており、あらかじめご了承ください。自分は結構そこが印刷の味だと思っております〜!
✶判型:106mm x 226mm
Poem:蜜子 日夜文字(@nichiya_moji)| Instagram
Illustration:蜜子 阿婆上街買菜(蜜子)(@obaasan_art)• Instagram 相片與影片
Project:SASA John
Printing: レトロ印刷JAM